As the saying goes, drastic terrain calls for drastic, death defying recreation… Wait, that’s not it… Well anyway, if you’re looking for a solid shot of adrenaline around a rugged and wild box canyon, Telluride is one of the best places in Colorado to do it.
Luckily, you don’t have to be severely experienced for some of Telluride’s most thrilling activities, while others will require you to have your head screwed on so straight, it may never come off. Grab your helmet and harness and don’t tell mom where we’re going.
Here’s 4 things to do in Telluride for the adrenaline junkie in the select few of us.

Paragliding into the Box Canyon
It’s no secret that mountain dwellers like to get high— Above the box canyon, ya hippie! If you’re visiting Telluride anytime between spring and fall, you’re bound to see a paraglider float through the valley on a clear morning, spilled cup of coffee in hand.
Tandem rides and lessons are available with Telluride Paragliding. It’s a quick flight usually lasting up to 20 minutes. While the height factor can seem daunting, it’s actually quite peaceful up there!
Climbing Via Ferrata
If exposure is something you’re eager to get your sweaty palms on, look no further than up— to Telluride’s very own Via Ferrata. The “iron way” is a popular, adrenaline-inducing climb located along the eastern end of town. The route rises to 300 feet, with the most notable section being a 100 foot traverse along a vertical cliff face.
The entire route is one-way, 1.5 miles, and takes about 2-3 hours to complete. Some sections are cabled and some not, despite the sheer drops along narrow trail sections. To that, experienced climbers should be the only folks who clip-in without a guide along the way for instruction.
For the novice who wants to earn their stripes, give Telluride Mountain Guides a call to get you on and off the cliffs safely. Check out all the details you need about this adventure at Telluride Mountain Club.
Descend Black Bear Pass
Weighing at arguably the most adrenaline-inducing item on the list— Black Bear Pass is a maniacal zig-zagged route starting at the top of Red Mountain Pass. It’s one-way, it’s narrow, and it’s extremely prone to accidents. Is it fun… Yes?
This route is only for highly experienced drivers (with a touch of insanity) who can stay calm on this tight descent into Telluride. If you’re not this person, and you’re not in possession of the right vehicle to handle the most rubbled hairpin turns in Colorado, please go with a guide!
Read more about the nail biting details of this declivitous mining route on our Off Roading Page.
Bag Mt. Wilson
Mt. Wilson is no walk in the tundra. Or, well, actually it is. It’s also a scramble— class III, no onion and extra steep. The peak sits at a smug 14,252 feet, which is accessible from multiple routes depending on how saucy you like your summits.
No matter how you get to the final ascent, the rocks are loose, the exposure is real, and paths become nonexistent. But those views though…
Mt. Wilson isn’t an easy fourteener, especially in early summer when the snow needed for access starts to melt and create even trickier trail conditions. Perfect for hardworking hikers! Check out this extensive guide to summiting Mt. Wilson so you’re prepared for all the type 2 fun you’ll be having up there!