The Best Reason To Take A Multi-Day Upper Animas River Rafting Trip

Nothing sounds better after a long day of Upper Animas River rafting than a delicious hot meal. When people think of camping they usually think of less-than-thrilling meals that don’t really fill you up. Here at Mild to Wild, we pride ourselves for “Catered Camping” on our multi-day trips, meaning our guides set up camp, do all the hard work, and best of all, cook gourmet meals for you on the river! Our Upper Animas River rafting guides quickly transform into gourmet chefs and cook meals that really hit the spot after an exhausting day of paddling!


Animas River Rafting


So What’s Everyones Favorite Upper Animas River Rafting Meal?


Our guides have a few favorite meals they really enjoy sharing with guests during an Animas river rafting trip in particular. One of the guides’ absolute favorite meals on the river is the Dutch Oven Lasagna. Starting off with an appetizer of Vegetable, Fruit, and Cheese plate to help curve a little bit of the hunger. The guides will quickly prepare chips and salsa, warm bread, and fresh salad to round out a healthy and hearty meal! Layers of perfectly baked pasta, melted cheese around the edges, decadent tomato sauce, and Italian seasoning will overwhelm your mouth and leave you wanting more. The best part of it all is it is cooked over the campfire- a true camping experience, all while you sit back and relax and enjoy games and stories around the campfire!


Dutch Oven Enchiladas


As If You Needed Another Reason To Take A Multi-Day Upper Animas River Rafting Trip


If the Dutch Oven Lasagna wasn’t enough for you after your day of Animas river rafting, after dinner the guides will prepare a delicious dessert for you in a similar fashion- over the campfire. The guides will prepare a divine, hot, a gooey cobbler in the Dutch Oven. This will surely send you into a deep and restful slumber for the night in preparation for the next day of Animas River Rafting! Feel free to dig in for seconds because whatever isn’t eaten has to be packed out in the rafts. So don’t be shy! Eat any food that is leftover so we can lighten our load as we continue the epic Animas river rafting.


Animas River Rafting


Join Us For Animas River Rafting


The highlight of this trip is not just the delicious gourmet meals for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, but also the amazing Animas River Rafting your guide will lead you through. One thing is for sure on an Animas River Rafting trip- you will not go hungry! An overnight trip with Mild to Wild will be exciting for so many reasons! The whitewater is fantastic, the guides are fantastic, and above all else, the camping and the food are both fantastic!


Animas River Rafting


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