Rafting & Adventure Blog

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How To: Swim with Your Paddle if You Fall Out of an Inflatable Kayak

8-year-old Charlie demonstrates how to hold and swim with your paddle if you fall out of your inflatable kayak while enjoying some Lower Animas Rafting (or any other river!). 1. Place your hands on your paddle shoulder width apart. 2. Alternate putting the blades into the water, just as you [...]

Totally Tubular!

As the summer starts to wind down, the river comes down too, and the most popular form of transportation on Durango’s Lower Animas River is…TUBING! There are a few things to keep in mind concerning safety that will help to keep your tubing experience fun. Know where to put on [...]

How To: Surf a Wave in an Inflatable Kayak

8-year-old Charlie and 13-year-old Benji did some Lower Animas kayaking and will show us how to paddle into a wave in an inflatable kayak and surf right here in Colorado! To surf your kayak in a wave you will: 1) Position yourself in an eddy next to the feature. If [...]

What is Nature Deficit Disorder?

The Need for Green! Living in Durango, one is able to walk for about ten minutes and can find his or herself on a hiking trail and away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Needless to say, we are very fortunate to have this luxury. Others, however, are [...]

How To: Get Back Into an Inflatable Kayak

In the first video installment of our “HOW TO” series, 8-year-old Charlie will demonstrate how to get back into an inflatable kayak after you’ve fallen out. 1) Orient yourself in the river in relation to your boat and paddle. 2) Swim aggressively towards the kayak. 3) Place paddle length wise [...]

Colorado Kayaking Durango-Mild to Wild

First Annual Duck and Run Race!

Mild to Wild Rafting and Jeep Trail Tours, Inc. is excited to announce the first ever Duck and Run race on July 28th, 2012. Anticipated as the most serious duckie/foot race ever, participants start in an inflatable kayak and take on Durango’s Animas River. Upon arrival at Santa Rita Park, [...]