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Gates of Lodore Rainbow Park - Lodore - Mild to Wild Rafting

9 Overnight Rafting Trips in the Southwest that will Change Your Life

If you’ve never taken these overnight rafting trips in the Southwest, or you’ve already indulged in some and are looking for more to explore— huzzah! This is exactly where you need to be. This list boasts some lesser-known overnight rafting trips in the Southwest, many that people seldom hear about [...]

Crystal clear reflection on Molas Lake near Silverton Colorado

A Perfect Weekend in Silverton, Colorado — Summer/Fall Edition

Cookin’ up some hot plans for a weekend in Silverton? Buckle up kid, it’s going to be an adventure. One where you don’t necessarily have to be a backcountry baddie or a mountain slaying peak-comber to partake in the grandeur of the San Juans. Just so you’re prepared, keep this [...]

A Mexican Spotted Owl sleepily resting on a branch

The Rare Species in Mesa Verde National Park

If you thought that the only rarity in Mesa Verde was its impressive cliff dwellings, this one’s going to knock you for a Mesa Top loop! There is a surprising number of rare species in Mesa Verde, from seldom-seen butterflies to flowers that exist nowhere else on the planet. Wondering [...]

Mesa Verde - Colorado - Mild to Wild Land Tours

What to Expect on a Premium Mesa Verde Cliff Palace Tour 

After a long wait of moseying around the construction projects in Mesa Verde, the Cliff Palace tour is finally available for exploration! WOOHOO!!!! Cliff Palace is the most significant cliff dwelling in Mesa Verde National Park, both for its impressive size and incredible design. At Cliff Palace, you’ll get an [...]

Baby Smelter Kayak - Lower Animas - Mild to Wild Raft

How to Kayak, SUP or Tube the Lower Animas like a Champ

How to Kayak, SUP, or Tube the Lower Animas like a Champ — Low Water Edition When low water season falls upon the Animas River in Durango, we all know what time it is… TUBING TIME! Or KAYAK, or SUP time if you’re not a donut lover! Low water on [...]

Scenic Drone Photo - Silverton, Colorado - Mild to Wild Rafting & Jeep Tours

3 Ways to Explore the Animas River Valley besides the Durango Train 

With fire season upon us in Southwest Colorado, the Durango Train can face unexpected closures on occasion. When this happens, would-be passengers are left to whip up a new agenda for the day— And we’ve got some solid suggestions! That is, as long these areas aren’t actually near the hazard [...]