Desolation Canyon Quick Facts

Learn about one of the most remote trips we have to offer, Desolation Canyon!

Top Things to Know about Desolation Canyon:

Desolation Canyon length: 84 miles
Desolation Canyon put-in: Sandwash
Desolation Canyon take-out: Swasey’s Beach
Desolation Canyon rapid class: Class II and III
Desolation Canyon’s top rapids: Three Fords, Joe Hutch Rapid, Coal Creek Rapid
Best for Ages: 5+
Located in: Desolation Canyon Wilderness Study Area
Notable Scenery: 4K foot tall walls, Dramatic hoodoos, Sumner’s Amphitheatre, big beaches with cottonwoods
Notable Sites: Large petroglyph panels, McPherson Homestead, Seamont Rach

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