About Our River Wellness Retreats
We all know that nature nurtures something deep within us, and brings us back to the most important place in our lives— the present! Every Mild to Wild trip allows for the opportunity to reconnect with wilderness in some capacity. But our river wellness retreats in particular take a deep dive in to the practice of mindfulness, and all around health with the help of our incredible hosts.
These special trips bring in a number of wellness practices, including yoga, meditation, forest bathing, and other modalities to center ourselves. In tow, every trip offers a fully catered camping experience. Our wonderful, highly trained guides prepare delicious and health-conscious meals, set up and take down the camping space each day, and row us safely through the remote river canyons we’re so fortunate to run.
Our retreat hosts are lovers of the outdoors, highly experienced yogis, and all around lovely people to unwind in the wild with. To learn more about our river wellness retreats, browse through our current options, as each retreat, host and location offers its own unique experience.
What To Wear On A Mountain Rafting Trip – Essential Rafting Attire

Gates of Lodore
5 Days | September 8-12th, 2025
Ages 7+ $1649.00
This Gates of Lodore wellness retreat is particularly special for its 5 day stretch, which is longer than our usual permits! This allows us plenty of time for yoga, meditation, and other mindfulness practices each day as we travel down one of the most spectacular canyons of all time. These retreats tend to go with the flow (at times literally) more so than follow a strict schedule between the usual itinerary of meals, hikes and such.
The Host
Liz loves to bring her Kripalu Yoga philosophy into all that she teaches: be compassionate with yourself. Listen to your body and invite your breath in to guide you through your movements.
Liz is a lifelong learner and is honored to share the treasures of life she learns both on and off her yoga mat. Liz loves to share her love of dance, the practice of yoga and finding quiet time surrounded in nature.