Video Category: How To Rafting

Green River Rafting-Gates of Lodore-Mild to Wild Rafting

Green River Rafting: The Gates of Lodore

With centuries of human history and a billion years of geological history, the Green River through the Gates of Lodore offers plenty to marvel at. Side hikes leading to ancient Native American rock art and waterfalls, as well as constant stunning scenery,  will compete for your attention with the lush,

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Upper Animas River Rafting Silverton CO-Mild to Wild

Mild to Wild Guide Certification Classes

Mild to Wild offers both a basic and comprehensive guide school for anyone interested in learning the ropes on how to be a star river guide. The whitewater experts for 30+ years, Mild to Wild has trained hundreds of guides. Instructors are state certified to teach. Learn to read the

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Utah white water rafting-Moab Colorado River-Mild to Wild

What to Pack for Multi-Day Raft Trips

What to Pack for Multi-Day Whitewater Raft Trips: Warm sleeping bag (rentals available) For spring trips, it should be rated down to 20 degrees Sleeping pad or a cot (rentals available) Tent (rentals available) Hiking shoes Fishing pole & bait if desired (licenses are required and must be obtained on

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What to Wear on a raft trip video - mild to wild rafting

What to Wear on a Whitewater Raft Trip

What to Wear on a River Trip Swimsuit/nylon shorts (avoid cotton because it stays the temperature of the water and keeps you cold) Shoes that can get wet or secure sandals with heel straps Wetsuits for spring trips (available for rent) Wetsuit boots all season (available for rent) Fleece jacket

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