A Note From Your Raft Guide
Raft guides share a lot of passion and insider tips for experiencing the best raft trip. There are things that your raft guide wants you to know. Getting a better understanding of their motives can help you connect and get the most out of your trip! Get the personal thoughts of raft guides here at Mild to Wild in this quick insider blog!
Why a Raft Guide?
Raft guide Ellen Southworth has many reasons why she loves what she does.
“I became a raft guide because I want to wake up every day and love my job, go outside, be active, and get to share that lifestyle with visitors!
Being a raft guide is so rewarding because we get to share spaces that are special to us with others. We get to show people the natural beauty that exists in the Southwest, and hopefully inspire people to care for and protect our wildlands”.
As for Jesse Hunter, head boatman, he became a raft guide because of his love for the outdoors and meeting new people. He notes that “being in nature every day is the most rewarding thing”.
Tips for a Trip
There can be many great tips for having the best rafting experience but here are some key suggestions from Ellen, “Put on sunscreen! Embrace the cold water. Take pictures. Let the river take your mind off the hustle and bustle of life”. Immersing yourself in the rafting lifestyle is the best way to have the best time you can.
Jesse adds that “there are many different rivers and many different companies. Do some research and find the best fit for yourself before you book a trip”. It is important to pick a trip that you are going to get the most out of. As far as safety goes, Jesse says that being aware of hazards is the best way of being safe and the information is the best rescue tool.
Rafting is a Unique Activity
Rafting is a special and unique experience. It is a fun activity that allows time with people’s families and time away from social media, says Jesse.
Ellen reflects that “Rafting is a team sport, which sounds a little silly (I know), but unlike many adventure activities (like hiking, biking, and skiing) when you go rafting you not only get outside but you bond with the people on the trip with you! Rafting fosters a unique environment for teamwork and appreciation of the wild side of life! As a guide, I hope a rafting trip brings people a deeper connection to nature and a closer bond with the people they go rafting with!”
These raft guides want to share their love and experience with the river so feel free to ask any questions you may have so you can get the most out of a trip!
More Reading:
What It’s Like To Work For Mild to Wild