
Live History! Mesa Verde Cliff Dwellings, A Must See in Southwest Colorado

By Mild to Wild   •   December 3, 2013

Learn by Living It!

What better way and more fun way to learn than to be part of history. A visit to Mesa Verde provides just this experience for both children and adults.

Mesa Verde Cliff Dwellings
Live History to Learn History!

Discover the architectural, horticultural, cultural, and religious dimensions of these ancient Southwest inhabitants. Short, easy, guided hikes allow you to explore the archeological sites in more detail. Begin “living” history with the earliest recorded Pithouse villages (600 A.D.) and continue through the Pueblo era of cliff dwellings from the 13th century. In season, explore and engage in the largest Cliff Dwelling in the park, Cliff Palace. Spruce Tree House and Mesa Verde’s Museum are also must sees!

For the most comprehensive visit to Mesa Verde, go on a guided tour. The Mesa Verde Discovery Tour is a small, group, guided interpretive tour of the Park. If you only have one shot at Mesa Verde, make the most of of it with this tour.

Live history to learn history! Why not make education part of your vacation to go along with the memories of a lifetime you will create!

What suggestions do you have to make learning part of your vacation?

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