Cataract Canyon Sample Itinerary
Like any day well spent on the river, no Cataract Canyon trip is the exactly the same, except for the fact that longer trips have more time to explore the far reaches and hidden treasures of this remarkable canyon.
If you’ve been wondering what the days are like in Cataract Canyon, here’s a little insight into the usual itinerary for our 3-6 Day trips.
Important Note: As the river is different every time it is run, so is each trip! Depending on water flows, the number of participants, and other circumstances Mother Nature imposes, our itineraries are just an estimate!
General Itinerary for Days on the Colorado River
Note the *usually* sentiment in the times listed, since river time works on its own clock! However, we do try to stick to a relative schedule as best we can.
Also, since Cataract Canyon is mostly flat water with a slow flow (besides the roaring 15 mile stretch to add a healthy dose of adrenaline to the journey) the trip is fully motored to make the miles needed each day.
Three Day trips should expect to motor through the rapids as well. During high water, we often run the entire rapid section in the large motor rigs for imperative safety measures!
Breakfast: Usually between 7am – 8am
Lunch: Usually between 12pm – 2pm
Get to Camp: Usually between 4pm – 6pm
Dinner: Usually between 5pm – 8pm
Leaving Camp: Usually between 9am – 10am
Estimated Arrival at Take Out on Last Day — All trips are expected to reach the North Wash take out between 2:00pm – 3:00pm.
The drive back to the Moab office is approximately 3 hours, often including a stop at our favorite burger joint. If you opt for the scenic flight from Lake Powell back to Moab, it takes about 45 minutes.
Evening Prior
You’ll meet us at our Moab office at 6:30 pm to receive your dry bags to pack your gear into that evening. Have it ready to rock in the morning! Your guides will be there to give you guidance for properly packing a dry bag, as well as answer any last questions you might have before the trip!
Day 1
You’ll meet us back at the office in the morning at 7:00 am to take a scenic, 30-minute shuttle over to the Potash Boat Ramp. Upon arrival, your guides will give you a quick safety spiel about good boating behavior before you hop in and head out.
This is a flat water day, with lots of lounging as you cruise past Dead Horse Point, chiseled side canyons, and archaeological sites.
Lunch is usually at a site we’ll explore, and we shoot to be in camp early in the evening. Your guides will set up the kitchen, common area and bathroom each day, all you’re responsible for is your sleeping arrangements.
Trips that are 3-4 days often only have time for one or two stops before camp this day. Shorter trips should expect dinner a bit later the first day.
Day 2
Wake up to fresh coffee and breakfast on the griddle. Early risers get to enjoy a soft glowing canyon before it transforms into bright crimson cliffs beneath cobalt skies. Plus, the wildlife is usually out basking in the cooler temperatures. After breakfast, it’s time to pack while your guides rig the boats before heading out the river once again.
If you’re on a 3-Day trip, this is a rapid day! Once you cruise past the dramatic confluence of the Green River, get ready to rumble.
Longer trips can usually expect to do the loop hike on this day. You’ll traverse up and over a big beautiful gooseneck with a guide, while the boats motor around to meet you on the other side.
Day 3
Trips lasting 4-6 days can expect to reach the first portion of the whitewater stretch this day.
For 3-Day trips, you’ll catch a few more miles of rapids before entering the calm waters of Narrow Canyon, before floating under Hite Bridge into Lake Powell for take out.
Day 4 and On…
Like the 3-Day trip, the final run on 4-Day trips includes some rapids before heading through Narrow Canyon to Lake Powell for take out.
Trips 5-6 days will enjoy the next phase of rapids on this day, getting more time to enjoy the beaches of your camp. Time depending, we may explore a side canyon or hike on this day or the next.
We expect to reach the North Wash take out between 2:00 to 3:00pm for the journey home. If you are shuttling back to Moab, the drive is around 3 hours. If you are flying back to Moab, it’s about 45 minutes. If you don’t want to return to Moab and have your car waiting at North Wash to head out on your next adventure, contact Coyote Shuttle to arrange the drop off for you.